require 'pdfparse' $field_mask = {} $field_shift = {} $opcodes = [] def make_instr(bins, bits, text) # calc bitfields length from their offset last = 32 bitlen = [] bits.reverse_each { |bit| bitlen.unshift last-bit last = bit } # the opcode binary value (w/o fields) bin = 0 fields = [] # parse the data, bitlen).each { |val, off, len| off = 32-(off+len) msk = (1 << len) - 1 case val when '/', '//', '///' # reserved field, value unspecified when /^\d+$/: bin |= val.to_i << off # constant field when /^[A-Za-z]+$/ fld = val.downcase.to_sym fld = "#{fld}_".to_sym while $field_mask[fld] and ($field_mask[fld] != msk or $field_shift[fld] != off) fields << fld $field_mask[fld] ||= msk $field_shift[fld] ||= off end } text.each { |txt| # fnabs FRT,FRB (Rc=0) curbin = bin curfields = fields.dup txt.sub!(' Rc=1)', ' (Rc=1)') if txt.include? 'fdiv.' # typo: fdiv. has no '(' if txt =~ /(.*\S)\s*\((\w+=.*)\)/ txt = $1 $2.split.each { |e| raise e if e !~ /(\w+)=(\d+)/ name, val = $1.downcase, $2.to_i raise "bad bit #{name} in #{txt}" if not fld = curfields.find { |fld| fld.to_s.delete('_') == name } curfields.delete fld curbin |= val << $field_shift[fld] } end opname, args = txt.split(/\s+/, 2) args = args.to_s.downcase.split(/\s*,\s*/).map { |arg| fld = curfields.find { |fld| fld.to_s.delete('_') == arg } ; curfields.delete fld ; fld } if args.include? nil and curfields.length == 2 and (curfields - [:ra, :d]).empty? args[args.index(nil)] = :ra_i16 curfields.clear elsif args.include? nil and curfields.length == 2 and (curfields - [:ra, :ds]).empty? args[args.index(nil)] = :ra_i16s curfields.clear elsif args.include? nil and curfields.length == 2 and (curfields - [:ra, :dq]).empty? args[args.index(nil)] = :ra_i16q curfields.clear elsif args.include? nil and curfields.length == 1 args[args.index(nil)] = curfields.shift end raise "bad args #{args.inspect} (#{curfields.inspect}) in #{txt}" if args.include? nil $opcodes << [opname, curbin, args] n = (opname.inspect << ',').ljust(10) + '0x%08X' % curbin n << ', ' if not args.empty? puts "\taddop " + n + { |e| e.inspect }.join(', ') } end # handle instruction aliases # NOT WORKING # should be implemented in the parser/displayer instead of opcode list # manual work needed for eg conditionnal jumps def make_alias(newop, newargs, oldop, oldargs) raise "unknown alias #{newop} => #{oldop}" if not op = $opcodes.reverse.find { |op| op[0] == oldop } op2 = op.dup op2[0] = newop oldargs.each_with_index { |oa, i| # XXX bcctr 4, 6 -> bcctr 4, 6, 0 => not the work if oa =~ /^[0-9]+$/ or oa =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i fld = op[2][i] op2[1] |= Integer(oa) << $field_shift[fld] end } puts "#\talias #{newop} #{newargs.join(', ')} -> #{oldop} #{oldargs.join(', ')}".downcase end require 'enumerator' def epilog puts "\n\t@field_shift = {" puts $field_shift.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.enum_slice(6).map { |slc| "\t\t" + { |k, v| "#{k.inspect} => #{v}" }.join(', ') }.join(",\n") puts "\t}" puts "\n\t@field_mask = {" puts $field_mask.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.enum_slice(6).map { |slc| "\t\t" + { |k, v| "#{k.inspect} => #{v > 1000 ? '0x%X' % v : v}" }.join(', ') }.join(",\n") puts "\t}" end $foundop = false def parse_page(lines) # all instr defining pages include this return unless lines.find { |l| l.str =~ /Special Registers Altered|Memory Barrier Instructions|Data Cache Instructions/ } # sync L/dcbt ilist = [] # line buffer extended = false # concat lines with same y lines = lines.sort_by { |l| [-l.y, l.x] } lastline = nil lines.delete_if { |l| if lastline and lastline.y == l.y and ([lastline.fontx, lastline.fonty] == [l.fontx, l.fonty] or l.str =~ /^\s*$/) lastline.str << ' ' << l.str true else lastline = l false end } lines.each { |l| # search for the bit indices list if l.fonty < 7 and l.str =~ /^0 [\d ]+ 31\s*$/ and (ilist.last.str.split.length == l.str.split.length or ilist.last.str.split.length == l.str.split.length-1) $foundop = true bitindices = { |i| i.to_i } # previous line is the binary encoding encoding = ilist.pop.str.split bitindices.pop if encoding.length < bitindices.length # previous line is the instruction text format ilist.pop if ilist.last.str =~ /\[POWER2? mnemonics?: (.*)\]/ text = [] text.unshift l while l = ilist.pop and l = l.str and (l =~ /,|\)$/ or text.empty?) ilist = [] make_instr(encoding, bitindices, text) elsif l.str.include? 'Special Registers Altered' if not $foundop puts { |l| "(#{l.y}) #{l.str}" } puts { |l| "(#{l.y}) #{l.str}" } if ilist.empty? raise 'nofoundop' else $foundop = false end elsif l.str =~ /Extended:\s+Equivalent to:/ extended = true elsif extended if l.str.include? ',' and l.str =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/ and $opcodes.find { |op| op[0] == $3 } newop, newargs, exop, exargs = $1, $2, $3, $4 make_alias(newop, newargs.split(','), exop, exargs.split(',')) else extended = false end else ilist << l end } end # PowerPC Architecture v2.02: # 1 - User Instruction Set # 2 - Virtual Environment # 3 - Operating Environment Dir['PPC_Vers202_Book?_public.pdf'].sort.each { |book| $stderr.puts book if $stderr.tty? pdf = book pagecount = pdf.trailer['Root']['Pages']['Count'] || 0 curpage = 0 pdf.each_page { |p| $stderr.print "#{curpage+=1}/#{pagecount} \r" if $stderr.tty? p.clip_lines(50, 740) list = p.lines.flatten # split columns sp1, sp2 = list.partition { |l| l.x < 288 } parse_page(sp1) parse_page(sp2) } $stderr.print " \r" if $stderr.tty? } epilog()