class Sudoku def initialize(a) @possible =*9) { [*1..9] } @a = [0]*9*9 a.each_with_index { |v, i| self[i%9, i/9] = v || 0 } end def [](x, y) @a[9*y+x] end def poss(x, y) @possible[9*y+x] end def []=(x, y, v) 9.times { |px| @possible[9*y + px].delete v } 9.times { |py| @possible[9*py + x].delete v } 3.times { |dpx| dpx += x - x%3 3.times { |dpy| dpy += y - y%3 @possible[9*dpy+dpx].delete v } } @a[9*y+x] = v end def inspect wider = { |p| p.length }.max s = "\n" @a.each_with_index { |v, i| if s << @possible[i] else s << end i += 1 s << if i % 27 == 0: "\n\n" elsif i % 9 == 0: "\n" elsif i % 3 == 0: ' ' else ' ' end } s.chop end def solve_one found = proc { |x, y, v, reason| puts "found #{v} at (#{x+1}, #{9-y}) (#{reason})" self[x, y] = v self } 9.times { |y| count = 9.times { |x| next if self[x, y] != 0 p = poss(x, y) return found[x, y, p.first, 'only'] if p.length == 1 p.each { |v| count[v] += 1 } } if fnd = count.find { |v, c| c == 1 } v = fnd.first 9.times { |x| return found[x, y, v, 'line'] if self[x, y] == 0 and poss(x, y).include? v } end } 9.times { |x| count = 9.times { |y| next if self[x, y] != 0 poss(x, y).each { |v| count[v] += 1 } } if fnd = count.find { |v, c| c == 1 } v = fnd.first 9.times { |y| return found[x, y, v, 'col'] if self[x, y] == 0 and poss(x, y).include? v } end } 3.times { |dx| 3.times { |dy| count = 3.times { |x| x += 3*dx ; 3.times { |y| y += 3*dy next if self[x, y] != 0 poss(x, y).each { |v| count[v] += 1 } } } if fnd = count.find { |v, c| c == 1 } v = fnd.first 3.times { |x| x += 3*dx ; 3.times { |y| y += 3*dy return found[x, y, v, 'square'] if self[x, y] == 0 and poss(x, y).include? v } } end } } nil end def solve nil while solve_one self end end if __FILE__ == $0 p { |c| c.to_i }).solve end