require 'optparse' class Integer def letter? self <= ?Z and self >= ?A end end class String def letters delete '^A-Z' end def map_letter unpack('C*').inject('') {|s, b| s << (b.letter? ? yield(b) : b)} end def substr(len, phase) scan(/#{'.'*len}/).inject('') { |ss, c| ss << c[phase] } end def decipher(key) k = key.dup idx = -1 map_letter { |l| idx = (idx + 1) % key.length k[idx] = (l - k[idx]) % 26 + ?A } end def IC count = letters.each_byte { |l| count[l] += 1 } tot = count.values.inject { |a, b| a + b } (?A .. ?Z).map{ |l| count[l] }.map{ |l| l * (l-1) }.inject { |a, b| a + b } / (tot * (tot-1)) end end def padv s print s + "\r" $stdout.flush print " "*s.length + "\r" end def find_keys_ic(str, threshold, keyleninterval = 7..12, verbose = true) { |keylen| puts "Trying keylen #{keylen}" if verbose h = {} ('A'..'Z').each { |key| ic = str.substr(keylen, 0).decipher(key).IC h[key] = ic if ic > threshold } next if h.empty? puts "[+] Found something !" if verbose keychars = [] keylen.times { |kl| keychars << [] ('A'..'Z').each { |key| padv((keychars + [[key]]).map { |k| k.join }.join(', ')) keychars.last << key if str.substr(keylen, kl).decipher(key).IC > threshold } } puts "[+] Key chars: #{ { |k| k.join }.join(', ')}" if verbose keychars.inject(['']) { |all, cur| { |chr| padv all.join(', ') if verbose { |a| a + chr } } { |pkey| # interleave substrings ss = (0...pkey.length).map { |i| str.substr(keylen, i).unpack('C*') }*ss).flatten.pack('C*').decipher(pkey).IC > threshold } } }.compact.flatten end threshold = 0.07 opts = opts.banner = "Usage: #$0 [options] [file]" opts.on('-k', '--key KEY', 'Decodes the file with KEY') { |k| puts exit } opts.on('-t', '--threshold T', Float, "Sets the Index of coincidence threshold (defaults to #{threshold})") { |threshold| } opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Shows this message') { puts opts exit } opts.parse! ARGV raw = keys = find_keys_ic(raw.letters, threshold) #puts "keys with good IC: #{keys.inspect}" puts puts "The key must be " + keys.sort_by { |k| raw.decipher(k).count('AEIOU') }.last.inspect